

Passion is what counts - Our Coordinator program is designed for individuals who may not have a lot of resources but who love fitness, community and want to be involved and grow with Impakt.

Coordinator check


  • Coordinator badge & title
  • Exclusive coordinator access
  • Additional earnings
  • Coordinator check 1

    Minimum Requirements

  • 300+ social followers or
  • 10+ in-app referrals or
  • Alpha 100/Candidate or
  • By invitation
  • What is Coordinator Program?

    As a Coordinator for Impakt, you'll help grow our community and support others in reaching their fitness goals. Coordinators leverage their networks to promote the Impakt app, assist new users, and engage through social media. Join us to contribute to a healthier community and share in exciting rewards.


    You’re well known and influential -
    The Ambassador/ ICON program is for influencers, Key Opinion Leaders /
    Consumers (KOL/KOC), and industry elites, or champions.

    Coordinator check 3


  • Ambassador badge & title
  • Exclusive ambassador access
  • Additional earnings
  • Customize your own AI coach
  • Coordinator check 4

    Minimum Requirements

  • 5,000+ social followers or
  • 1,000+ in-app referrals or
  • Recognized industry leaders or
  • By invitation
  • What is Ambassador/ICON Program?

    You’re well known and influential - The Ambassador/ICON program is for influencers, Key Opinion Leaders/Consumers (KOL/KOC), and industry elites, or champions.
    partner icon


    You represent a group - Our Partner program is designed for communities, projects, media and institutions.

    Coordinator check 5


  • Partner badge & title
  • Exclusive partner access
  • Additional earnings
  • Customize your own AI coach
  • Coordinator check 6

    Minimum Requirements

  • 2,000+ member communities or
  • Media or
  • By invitation
  • What is Partner Program?

    You represent a group - Our Partner program is designed for communities, projects, media and institutions.

    What is the Coordinator Program?

    As a Coordinator for Impakt, you'll help grow our community and support others in reaching their fitness goals. Coordinators leverage their networks to promote the Impakt app, assist new users, and engage through social media. Join us to contribute to a healthier community and share in exciting rewards.

    Rewards Pool Size

    Total Value :

    Total prize worth

    $70,000+ USD

    Which Consist of:

    $50,000+ USD

    $IMPAKT Tokens:

    $50,000+ USD

    You will get an Impakt Coin worth $50,000


    $20,000+ USD

    You will get an Impakt NFT worth $20,000
    Apply Now

    Coordinator Rewards

    10K NFT Collection

    Receive an airdrop from our first 10K NFT collection, offering VIP Membership and Exclusive Benefits! 

    Don’t miss your chance to join the elite. Secure your spot and unlock VIP perks.

    10K NFT Collection

    You will receive prestigious 3-15 whitelist spots for our exclusive 10K NFT collection. You can use these spots to host events or giveaways within your community or with your followers.

    $IMPAKT Airdrops

    Earn a $100-$500+ USD $IMPAKT bonus. More details about $IMPAKT and its utility will be revealed soon.

    Bonus Earnings
    from Referrals*

    Earn an additional 1-3% bonus on your referral's earnings share.

    Impakt Rewards


    Number of
    Active Referrals*

    $IMPAKT Claimable*

    Bonus Earnings from Referrals*


    Number of Active Referrals*


    $IMPAKT Claimable*

    $100 USD x [(Referrals*10%/100)+1]

    Bonus Earning from Referrals*



    Number of Active Referrals*


    $IMPAKT Claimable*

    $200 USD x [(Referrals*10%/200)+1]

    Bonus Earning from Referrals*



    Number of Active Referrals*


    $IMPAKT Claimable*

    $500 USD x [(Referrals*10%/500)+1]

    Bonus Earning from Referrals*


    * Active Referrals: These are referred registered users who have reached level 2+ on the Impakt app.
    * $IMPAKT: The native utility token of Impakt, serving as the centerpiece and playing a pivotal role across the entire ecosystem.
    * $IMPAKT Claimable:  The amount of $IMPAKT valued in USD based on the closing price at the TGE. The actual amount rewarded will depend on the conversion rate of registered users who have reached level 2+ from the tier referral cap (100/500/1,000).
    * Bonus Earnings from Referrals: The additional amount of KOIN or $IMPAKT you will be rewarded based on your referral’s earnings, on top of your base referral earnings.

    How to Become a Coordinator?

    Step 1

    1. Download & Sign Up

    Visit our website or the app store to download the Impakt app. Complete your first workout to reach level 2+.

    Step 2

    2. Apply

    Submit your application to become a Coordinator through the app. Once approved, you will be invited to join the group.

    Step 3

    3. Earn

    Start earning rewards and incentives by coordinating activities and engaging with the community through the Imapkt app.


    Expand our community and promote the app. Support new users, drive engagement, and organize events and fitness challenges.

  • 300+ social media followers, or
  • 10+ successful referrals (level 2+), or
  • Be an Alpha 100/Candidate, or
  • By invitation
  • Apply through the Impakt app. Submit personal info, social media details, referral info, and your motivation. Once reviewed, you'll be invited upon approval.

  • Promote the Impakt app via social media and personal networks
  • Support new users
  • Organize and join community events and fitness challenges
  • Provide feedback to improve the app
  • Follow Coordinator Guidelines and Action Campaigns
  • Time commitment varies. Regular engagement and participation in activities are necessary. The exact time depends on your involvement level.

    Yes! Passion for fitness and community engagement is what matters, not your professional background.

  • Share personal success stories and fitness achievements
  • Engage your audience through posts, stories, and live sessions
  • Participate in and promote fitness challenges
  • Encourage followers to join and use your referral link
  • Yes! Access marketing materials, best practices, and guidance from experienced team members. Regular training sessions and webinars are provided.

    A transparent, automated system tracks and distributes rewards based on clear metrics and criteria. Regular audits ensure fairness.

    join impakt
    Rewards are waiting.
    Register, promote, convert, and earn.
    Download Now
    Download Now

    Don't qualify, but still have what it takes?  Contact us!

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